To be involved in your health care; including following care plans created with your health care provider

  • To treat all staff and other clients with respect and courtesy
  • To share important information necessary for your care
  • To have positive interactions with Health Centre Staff including:
    • Be on time for appointments
    • Cancel appointments if not able to attend in a timely fashion
    • Be honest; let us know when something is not working for you


To express your opinions and be heard in a manner that is open, honest and accepting

  • To be treated courteously, respectfully, fairly, with dignity and without discrimination
  • To have your privacy and confidentiality respected
  • To have your individuality respected, which may include various ethnic, psychological, spiritual, language or cultural issues
  • To provide feedback to the Centre, including making a complaint
  • To be fully informed, in language you can understand, and make decisions regarding all aspects of your care
  • To be told about your treatment options,  including the right to decline treatment and be informed of the possible consequences
  • To feel safe and free from abuse


We encourage feedback from everyone we serve.  There are regular experience surveys, feedback forms and evaluation forms for our groups.  The Centre also has a complaint process, if you feel that your concerns warrant investigation.

Our complaint process includes two parts – the informal process, where individuals may address their concerns directly to the provider with whom they are dissatisfied and the formal process, which is used for more formal concerns.  We have a complaint process handout that explains how it works.